"I just want to hear something I haven't heard before" (John Peel)

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Glastonbury 2009

Like last year I will have videos, and hopefully live streams on here again this year soon...

Live BBC Feed:

Peel Quotes

"I'm back, and I'm fat"

"We've been eating artichokes in our house, that's how middle class we've become"

"All songs are about shagging, you can't deny it"

"There's another one of those tracks that goes all muffled at the end. I wonder if they have a special muffle button to do that? There's a good chat up line - 'Hey baby, can I press your muffle button?' "

"As an honorary doctor, I am allowed to loosen people's clothing in a responsible manner"

"That's what we doctors call 'pissed off' "

"Some people have suggested that I only play records at this point because the title has rude words in it. Nonsense - here's 'Inverted Throat Fuck' "

"To get to my page on the website, go to the homepage and click on my face. I bet you'd all like to do that"

"...and this is called 'I'll Turn You On'. Highly unlikely I think"

"We're sitting here tapping our toes in a frankly arthritic manner"

"That's what George Bush would call 'Inspookulate' "

"Inspookulation is occuring"

"I have taken the competition prizes before, and I'll probably do it again"

"I used to do loads of gigs in Scunthorpe, thoroughly enjoyed it, although whether the audience did is open to question"

"If the emergency tape comes on, you'll be listening to something ghastly like Destiny's Child"

"Pedro the fisherman is always singing- no, whistling, sorry"

"...and there's an e-mail here... no, not an e-mail at all, a postcard..."

"I feel like smashing something up, but I'm afraid someone will say 'That was ours and you smashed it up - we're going to hit you for it', otherwise I'd do it all the time"

"The temptation is to yell 'Yee-Hah!', but I'll resist"

"And now for the stars of tonights show, apart from me of course, goes without saying..."

"I have a bad back, an aching tooth and a sore thumb, but the show must go on - what a hero"

"...since then, their numbers have swelt to six, just like mine"

"Fishfingers anyone?"

"The gods are extraordinarily angry with us tonight"

"If anything else goes wrong, I'm going to saw my face off as an act of pennance"

"Emeticide - mmm..."

"We don't know what that is, do we? Anyone? No? Probably some horrible medical condition involving foreskins"

"The problem is, once you get into these sex-starved sluts, it's jolly hard to get out of them"

"We've had a flood of e-mails... actually, no - more like an incontinent trickle"

"It's so complicated that if I try to explain it, my eyeballs will probably bleed"

"...and he says "stay golden". Well I'm actually a sort of greyish-pink, but I'll do my best to become golden"

"If you've got a CD that's not working, just wipe it on your trousers, and if you're not wearing any trousers, put some on"

"I've obviously offended lots of people - let's move on"

"I just sit in the corner and weep in my capacity as a sad old man"

"You'll notice I've perked up in the last ten minutes - this is one of the benefits of having diabetes and then eating a biscuit. Fantastic!"

"I really like the word Fenacitin, it's such a great word. If we had another child, I'd be tempted to name them Fenacitin"

"My car smells of fish, as though someone had nailed a mackrel under the seat"

"If you don't know what I look like, I look like the old man who hangs around in the shopping centre, looking at all the young people"


"Hey hey hey hey"

"Rewind Selecta"

"Dubbin' it up in a one-drop stylee"

"Wugga wugga wugga wugga"

"If the audience are leaving in ambulances, you know you've done a good job"

Monday, 18 May 2009

Free Albums! Recession-busting 100% Legal MP3's For Free!

Townsend Records are giving away a free album to download.

Don't ask why - I didn't either - just grab it!

It has an excellent live track by The Icicle Works on it.

And all for free!!!

Get it here.


The Nine Inch Nails are giving away an album too (the world has gone mad!).
It is available in various formats, MP3 is a direct free download but the other formats like FLAC etc. are torrent links. Legal to do so don't worry but you are gonna need a torrent application to get them!

You can get that from here.


Coldplay are ALSO giving away an album!

According to the band, the give-away is meant as a recession-busting mark of gratitude to everyone who's supported them: "Playing live is what we love. This album is a thank you to our fans – the people who give us a reason to do it and make it happen."

The album was recorded over the past year in various cities around the world on the Viva La Vida tour. Its tracklisting is as follows:

1. Glass of Water
2. 42
3. Clocks
4. Strawberry Swing
5. The Hardest Part/Postcards From Far Away
6. Viva La Vida
7. Death Will Never Conquer
8. Fix You
9. Death And All His Friends

Get it here.

NB: There has been a HUGE response to Coldplay's free offer and their servers are finding it hard to cope! HA HA! So, if you cannot download this album, then please let me know and I will upload it here! What a nice guy I am!


The Doves are giving away an acoustic version of 'Birds Flew Backwards'.

In their own words:

"Birds Flew Backwards | Exclusive acoustic free download in BlogPublished May 10 2009 20:22The BBC (rather brilliantly it must be said) compared the original to "Wally Stott arranging the Beach Boys", it's the only Doves song ever to feature a Delruba (an Indian instrument that is a cross between a sitar and a cello, fact fans) and Andy recently told the Line of Best Fit website that the original demo for the song made him think of 'Nobody's Fault But My Own' from Beck's 'Mutations' album. We're talking, of course, about 'Kingdom Of Rust's delicate centre-piece 'Birds Flew Backwards'.

Well today, and for a limited time only, Doves.net are giving you the opportunity to download an acoustic (and scandalously beautiful) Mp3 version of the track exclusively through the website… simply because we can and we thought you might like it!

All you need to do to get your hands on the Mp3 is visit this link and type in a few details. Hurry though because we’re only allowed to make it available for a couple of days!"

More here.


The Twang are giving away a free track called 'Another Bus'.

More on this here.

Again, if anyone finds they cannot get ANY of these freebies - I have them all, so leave a comment and I will post them or suchlike for you all.